Monday, September 14, 2009

Air Arrivals and Departures

Nepal's only international airport is located in it's capital, Kathmandu. There are few direct flights to Nepal, which means most travelers from Europe, North America and Australia have to change aircraft and/or airline en route.

Visitors arriving without any dutiable goods can pass directly through the Green Channel, without any baggage check. For declaration of dutiable goods visitors should pass through the Red Channel.

Duty Free Goods
You are allowed to bring, free of duty, 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, one 1.15 liter bottle of distilled liquor and 15 rolls of film. All electronic and optical equipment are allowed into the country with the condition that you leave with them.

Export Restrictions
It is illegal to export objects over 100 years old (sacred images, paintings, manuscripts) that are valued for culture and religious reasons. Metal statues, sacred paintings and similar objects have to be certified by the Department of Archeology for export.

Departure Tax
An Airport tax of Rs. 600/ per passenger is levied on departure to SAARC (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) Countries and Rs. 1,000 to other international destinations. Those flying within Nepal are required to pay Rs. 50 as the airport tax.

Transport to City
Taxi's are available at the airport for transport into the city. They charge a fix price of Rs200. Rarely, taxis are not available (strike), then man powered cycle rickshaws will give you a warm welcome to local transport.

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