Monday, September 14, 2009

Pokhara in Nepal

Pokhara is probably one of the most magical places to visit in Nepal. Indeed, it would be an utter catastrophe to leave Nepal without having taken time to visit this beautiful place.

In Kathmandu the views are dominated by the temples, whilst in Pokhara, the dominating views are the mountains. The views of the mountain ranges in. Pokhora are probably some of the most beautiful views in the world.

Not only are you surrounded by mountain views in Pokhora, but the views are also reflected in the three Pokhara lakes. For this reason, you are able to views these majestic beings twice! You will certainly not leave Pokhora without memories of a place of absolute astounding and unequalled beauty.

The mountain ranges visible in Pokhara form the Anapurna massif, which is the largest group of mountains in the Himalayas. The Annapurna 1 is the highest peak in the range and measures 8091 feet.

The stunning backdrops in Pokhara are certainly not the only reason for visiting. Pokhara is home to villages in which tradition has yet to been replaced by modern day processes and technology. local attractions are well maintained and well kept, the hotels are extremely clean and well cared for, and on top of all this, most of the locals speak good english.

You really couldn't visit a more beautiful and realxing place.

Attractions within Pokhara include two key musueums, tibetan settlements (which are open to visitors), bazaars, shops and restaurants. There are also some great routed walks in Pokhara and treks (some of which last up to three days).

It is recommended that you pay towards a higher end hotel if possible to ensure that your stay in Pokhara is as comfortable as possible. Also, during your stay in Pokhara you should try to avoid the local touts - particularly those who congregate at the bus station.

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