Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Government of Nepal

Nepal has a very interesting history in respect to its Government. The Government in Nepal has experienced great turmoil in the past and continues to be unsettled.

The Government in Nepal has traditionally been one of turmoil. There has been very little stability in any government in Nepal and the longest serving government has served for two years only.

As a general description, the Government in Nepal is Hindu, multiethnic and multilingual. Globally, Nepal is the only formal Hindu government.

Reforms in 1990 led to a new system of government in Nepal; based on a constitutional multiparty democracy.

The government in Nepal can be described in respect to a number of key divisions:

1) Nepal Government – The Executive:

The King is the head of state, supported by a Council of Ministers who are selected by the Prime Minister.

2) Nepal Government – Legislature

The legislature is bicameral and formed of the National Assembly (which has 60 members) and the House of Representatives (which has 205 members).

3) Nepal Government – Legal

In Nepal the Chief Justice is appointed by the Monarch and the supreme court has powers of jurisdiction (in addition to acing as the court of appeal).

The stability of the government in Nepal is threatened by Maoist insurgents who appear to be growing in strength. Of particular concern is the break down of a ceasefire in 2003 between the Government forces and the insurgents.

In 2005 the King dissolved the Government on the basis that the government had failed to control the insurgent movement in Nepal. Once he had dissolved the Government he then proceeded to declare a state of emergency in Nepal and imprison key Government figures. In April 2006 however, the King reconvened the Government following mass protests in Nepal. The majority of the individuals making up the reconvened Government were primarily those who had previously been dismissed and imprisoned.

There appears to be growing hostilities between the different factions of the Government and the King. The largest opposition party in Nepal is now dropping its historical support of the monarchy. In doing so, the party has joined 6 other political parties in Nepal who are also asserting their dissatisfaction with the King.

Although the opposition groups have ruled out an alliance with the Maoist insurgents, it further destabilises the current Government in Nepal.

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