Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Embassy Consulate Visa Requirements Applications

The following article gives some high level information on Embassy and Consulates within Nepal coupled with high level information on Visa requirements and applicationsPrior to travelling to Nepal, visas for entry can be gained in over eighteen Embassies and Consulates located around the world.

As with any trip overseas for an extended period, it is necessary to register with your respective Embassy or Consulate whilst you are in Nepal.

If you are trekking during your visit to Nepal then it is suggested that in addition to registering with your respective Embassy or Consulate that you also register with the Himalayan Rescue Association. Registering with your respective Embassy or Consulate during your stay in Nepal enables contact to be made with you in the event of an emergency or rescue operation. When you visit the Embassy or Consulate you will need to take your passport number, emergency contact details and your itinery details with you.

If you are unable to find the respective Embassy or Consulate for your country then it is necessary for you to find out which country's Embassy or Consulate in Nepal represents your country. You can find out which Embassy or Consulate in Nepal represents your country by contacting your own Embassy or Consulate back in your home country.

The following information contains contact details of a number of the Embassies and Consulates in Kathmandu. Please note that this list is not exhaustive:

Australian Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal = 01-437-1678

Canadian Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal = 01-441-5193

Chinese Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal = 01-441-1740

French Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal = 01-441-2332

German Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal = 01-441-2786

Indian Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal = 01-441-0900

Japanese Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal = 01-442-6680

Tourist visas in Nepal are limited to five weeks in any one calendar year. However, to extend your visa you can visit either Kathmandu or Pokhara or alternatively a local police station. You may also be able to get relevant information on extending your visa from your respective Embassy or Consulate.

Trekking permits can only be issued at the Central Immigration Office of the Home Ministry, His Majesty's Government at Thamel in Kathmandu Nepal.

Enjoy your visit to Nepal and remember to adhere to the recommendation that you register with your respective Embassy / Consulate on arrival. This arrangement has proved invaluable to many individuals who have consequently had to rely on their Embassy making contact with them.

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